
Don't know if I'm using it right but here goes

📅 20 Dec 2021

One of the things that I love about linux is that I’m free to mess around quite a lot. I have never felt that freedom using either windows or macOS. Sure I have set up some scripts, automators, and exe files, but nothing too serious.

I also feel I have more freedom to use all sorts of tools and features, some of which I’m not sure I’m even using right. Worst case scenario? I delete a necessary directory while trying to connect to my pixel 3 using adb and have to do update my system. OK, that’s not the worst case but you get the picture.

One of the tools I’m not sure I’m using right is rsync. It has sync in the name but I’m using it to back-up to an external hard drive. I really don’t think it matters and seems to do what I need it to do.

Being so easy to use, all I have to do is plug in my external hard drive, create a new directory for the new back-up, and run the following command:

  rsync -r /home/ryan /media/ryan/externalhd/back-up-20DEC2021

And bang, I have a back-up of all my data. I find this much easier than dragging and dropping files. I also find it easier than the built-in timeshift. I had all sorts of issues with timeshift when I first started using linux. I got most of them sorted but when I found about rsync I honestly didn’t want to bother with it anymore. A 1TB hard drive means I can use my current method for years without any worries.

P.S. I handle photos differently. I’m currently working on a good methodology for that, especially as I seek to simplify.

Day 84: #100DaysToOffload

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