Silence - Again

Nearly a year of silence and more change than I ever imagined

đź“… 01 Nov 2023

It has been nearly a year since my last post on this blog. That year has passed incredibly fast and has brought changes I never would have imagined. I have changed careers, moved several times, and now find myself living in another country, with the most important day of my life less than a month away.

Looking back, it has been a heck of a ride. In around March/April of 2022, I set out to learn Portuguese again, having reached a basic conversational level before the pandemic, before everything really came crashing down. I have now reached a C1/C2 level and consider myself conversationally fluent. Communicating in another language is such an amazing feeling!

In the process of learning, I have met friends and colleagues and have learned things from them that I will carry with me the rest of my life.

At the same time, I have enjoyed prolonged periods of silence. I have found myself thinking of my life nearly 10 years ago, when I enjoyed one of the most transformative but difficult periods of my short life. In some ways this is a good thing. I read some old notes, processed what I needed to, and threw out the rest. But with these periods of silence I have been reminded of how important continuous growth is.

During this year I have rediscovered the importance of taking stock, of self-challenges, of goal-setting, of reconnecting with those we love. If we have learned anything together over the past few years, let’s remember who we are. If we don’t like who we are, we can change that. If we aren’t happy with who we are, seek to connect - to memories good and bad, to loved ones, to milestones. Let’s even look forward to our legacy.

One of the driving forces in my life is wanting to leave a legacy. I want my kids and grandkids to be proud of me. Independant of if I ever make more than a certain amount of money, the kind of house I have, or how many friends I can call upon, did I leave a mark on my family? Will my kids and grandkids be able to reflect back and say, “He was a strong and faithful man?”

I think that’s enough sappy reflections for one post.


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