
Why consistent writing has been so good for me

đź“… 17 Jan 2022

Well, here I am on the eve of completing the #100DaysToOffload challenge.

Tomorrow I will give a full overveiw and my thoughts of the challenge.

Today I wanted to discuss why I found writing consistently so good for me.

Head Space

As it turns out, writing consistently put me in a good place to accomplish a lot of other things I wanted to in life. I think there are a few reasons for this.

  1. Writing made me focus. Even if it was posting some nonsense about the carnivore diet (which I can’t recommend, but I did achieve the high energy levels that have been widely reported), writing made me focus on something. Even if writing a blog post is the only thing I got done on a day off, I knew I had accomplished something. Unsurprisingly though, that focus also extended to other things and I found I was able to get a lot more done on the days I took the time to write a simple little post.

  2. Writing made me learn. Inherent to the nature of this blog and the community I am part of over at Fosstodon is a general interest in tech, specifically FOSS. While I didn’t feel the need to post about tech every day, I did spend a decent amount of time trying to learn something new and trying out a tool, then sharing the results. I am by no means an expert in anything I wrote about but it forced me to learn.

  3. Writing made me relax. I don’t know if it is this way for everyone but writing is really relaxing to me. For some reason it tunes out certain thoughts I’m having that often aren’t very helpful and puts me in almost a zen-like state. I don’t want to make this sound weird or fluffy but it really does help me relax. I can sit here, type away, publish the post, and I’m much better for it.

All in all, writing is a process I have to continue. I have hinted at trying to get back into creative writing and I very well may do that. At the very least though I will continue posting periodically. It has brought me a lot of joy and has really helped me accomplish a lot.

That’s it for today. If you want, follow up tomorrow for my final entry in the #100DaysToOffload challenge.

Day 99: #100DaysToOffload

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